Instructions on English

The Association of Students of Pedagogy of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (USPOS) Osijek in cooperation with the Department of Pedagogy of the same Faculty invites you to the Second International Student Symposium: THE POWER OF UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION, which will take place between May 15 and May 17, 2019.


Students of pedagogy and similar sciences have certainly already discussed the amount of influence that upbringing and education have on the subject of upbringing. The reason behind choosing the forementioned topic as the fundamental issue of the Symposium is its relevance and importance of finding solutions to its problems. The purpose of presentations is to raise awareness of the importance of educational process in the development of a young individual, and at the same time, the importance of a teacher as a key factor in the process.

The goal of this Symposium is to portray the comprehensiveness of the pedagogical science and to encourage its interdisciplinary approach, which offers a wide array of fields of interest. With the emphasis on omnipotence of upbringing and education, the aim is to popularize educational sciences and to accentuate the importance and the prospects of pedagogy in the modern world. Moreover, many possibilities for further research are opened, as well as for professional and scientific improvement of educational workers.

The Symposium includes experts' lectures from the field of education, student presentations, discussions and interactive workshops. Apart from the formal part of the Symposium, casual meetings will be held so that students from different universities can meet and have an opportunity to form acquaintanceship, friendships and partnerships.


Students of undergraduate, graduate, integrated and doctoral programs may apply to the Symposium.

Application of the participants: here.

Summary, along with the application in the form of a Google link, should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Accommodation will be organized for participants not living in Osijek, and the organizer will bear the costs of accommodation and lunch for all participants. The guests are expected to arrive on May 15, when a welcoming dinner will be organized.

Travel expenses are not covered.


Summaries should have between 1500 and 2000 characters. They should contain tasks, aims, and an outline of the presentation, results of recent research works relevant for the topic, and a conclusion. Below the summary, five key words should be listed. The text can be in either English or Croatian, font Times New Roman, font size 12 and line spacing 1,5. Before the text of the summary, names of the authors (max. 3), level of education or academic title (if existent), name of the faculty, as well as the title of the work should be stated.

Participants may expect feedback regarding their participation in the Symposium by April 15.

Official languages of the Symposium: Croatian and English

The deadline for sending the summaries is April 5, 2019.


ADDRESS: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Lorenza Jägera 9, 31000 Osijek, Republic of Croatia


  • (Marko Cmrečnjak)

CONTACT NUMBER:  (+385)98/9931-535 (MarkoCmrečnjak)

FACEBOOK:  2. međunarodni studentski simpozij "Moć odgoja i obrazovanja"




Association of Students of Pedagogy of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Osijek (USPOS)

  • Texts should be between 10 and 18 pages long (without Works cited and summaries in English).
  • font size 12, line spacing 1.5
  • Minimum of 10 works cited.
  • book/movie/event reviews - up to five pages
  • Editorial Board will make the final decision regarding the publishing of the works received and retains the right to review, proofread and edit all texts.


TITLE: Cambria, UPPERCASE, font size 14, line spacing 1.5, bold.

ABSTRACT: Cambria, bold, font size 12,

Text of the Abstract: Cambria, Italic, font size 12,no line spacing (single), justified, paragraph indentation: left 1 cm, right 1 cm

KEYWORDS: below the introductory paragraph: indentation and alignment just like in the abstract; Keywords (as a term): Cambria, font size 12;

Words used as keywords: Cambria, Italic, font size 12, justified, in alphabetic order, (4-6 words/terms that do not appear in the title, but describe the topic appropriately)

TEXT/BODY: Cambria, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified, indentation of the first line of every paragraph - 1 cm (paragraph: first line: 1 cm)

SUBTITLES IN THE TEXT: Cambria, bold, Align Text Left, Sentence case (e.g. Subtitle in the text)

WORKS CITED (as a term): Cambria, bold, font size 12, Align Text Left;

References in Works Cited: Cambria, font size 12, justified, hanging 1 cm (paragraph, hanging 1 cm).

References in Works Cited should be listed in an alphabetical order. If several works from an anthology, journal, or lexicon are used, they are to be cited as separate references.

ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Abstract (as a term) - Cambria, font size 12, bold

Text of the Abstract in English: translation of the text in the Abstract (in the beginning of the work), Cambria, font size 12, line spacing: single, justified.

Title translated into English - above the summary (abstract), block letters, centred.

KEYWORDS IN ENGLISH: Keywords- Cambria, font size 12, bold

Words used as keywords: translation of the keywords from the beginning of the work, Cambria, font size 12, justified, line spacing - single


Bibliographic annotations in the text are put in parenthesis. They are a direct reference to the source used for the idea or thought presented, in a way of mentioning the author (author's last name) and the year of publication.

Example of paraphrasing: Winner (2005) uses this term to describe children with three atypical characteristics.

If several works are cited, semicolon is used to separate the sources: (Green, 2002; Simpson, 2001; Wilson, 1997)

If quotations are used (literal repeating of what an author said/wrote), they are marked with quotation marks, followed by the author's last name, year and the page on which the original text can be found.

Example of quoting: "Therewith from her breast she loosed the broidered girdle, fair-wrought, wherein are all her enchantments; therein are love, and desire, and loving converse, that steals the wits even of the wise" (Homer, 1995: 194).

When two or more authors of one work are cited, the last name of the first author is used, with the addition of "et al.", followed by the year of publication. E.g.: (Mrnjaus et al., 2013). In addition to the year of publication, when quoting, page number should be written (Mrnjaus et al., 2013, 124)

If a quotation has over 40 words, it is written with a smaller font size (font size 11), line spacing - single, without quotation marks and indented five spaces at both sides of the text.

Example: The "placebo effect," which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when behaviors were studies in this manner. Furthermore, the behaviors were never exhibited again [italics added], even when reel [sic] drugs were administered. Earlier studies were clearly premature in attributing the results to a placebo effect (Jones, 1993: 199).

If the idea of an author that was already paraphrased by another author is used, the original author is mentioned first (last name, year of publication), followed by the author of the work in which the quote or paraphrase was used.

Example: Primary dimensions of peer relationships are acceptance and friendship. (Bukowski and Hoza, 1989, as cited in Lacković-Grgin, 2006).

Annotations are additional explanations or comments on the idea or the topic of the work, which are listed as explanatory annotations (footnotes, without citing the source) due to different reasons (size of the work, fitting in the work as a whole, etc.)


Books (by a single author): Munjiza, E. (2009). Povijest hrvatskog školstva i pedagogije. Osijek: Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera.

Books (by more than one author): Seitz, M., Hallwachs, U. (1999). Montessori ili Waldorf - Usporedba. Zagreb: Educa.

Work in a journal: Babić, N., Irović, S. (2000). Učenje i poučavanje u predškolskim programima u svjetlu konstruktivizma. Napredak, 142 (1), 39-51. [1]

Work in an anthology: Babić, N., Kuzma, Z. (1999). Kontinuitet/diskontinuitet u razvoju dječje autonomije. U: N. Babić, S. Irović (Ur.), Interakcija odrasli - dijete i autonomija djeteta (pp. 24.29). Osijek: Visoka učiteljska škola, Rijeka: Visoka učiteljska škola. [2]

Work in an online journal: Franke, R., Ruiz, S., Sharkness, J., De Angelo, L., Pryor, J. (2010). Findings from the 2009 Administration of the College Senior Survey (CSS): National Aggregates. (accessed 28. 4. 2016.)[3]

Web pages: (accessed 28.4.2016.)

Please, pay attention to spelling and grammar. Good luck with the writing!

[1] 142 (1), 39-51. (142 refers to the volume, (1) to the number of the journal, and 39-51. to the pages on which the work can be found in the journal)

[2] Order of citing references from anthologies: author/and (publication year), name of the article, followed by the name(s) of the editor(s) and the name of the anthology, pages on which the article can be found in the anthology, place of publication: publisher.

[3] Books and articles found in online issues are cited according to the rules of citation for printed form, with the addition of the Internet source of the document. It is also important to state the date of access to/download of the document.

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